Hidden Christian heritage sites in Nagasaki and Amakusa regions

This property is a rare piece of physical evidence that tells of the tradition of “hidden Christians” who secretly continued their faith while coexisting with existing society and religion in the Nagasaki and Amakusa regions during the era when Christianity was prohibited.

The ruins of Hara Castle have been archaeologically revealed as an event that led to the formation of the cultural tradition of Hidden Christia

Villages that coexisted with other religions

Villages where Hidden Christians coexisted with other religions in various ways to secretly maintain their faith (sacred places and villages in Hirado, Sakitsu village in Amakusa, Shitsu village in Sotome, Ono village in Sotome)

Sacred places and villages in Hirado
Sakitsu village in Amakusa
Shitsu village in Sotome
Ohno village in Sotome

Villages on remote islands where migration took place

Villages on remote islands that migrated to maintain religious organizations (Kuroshima village, Nozakijima village ruins, Kashiragashima village, Kugashima village, Egami village on Narushima)

Village of Kuroshima
Nozakijima village ruins
Village of Kashiragashima
Village on Kuga Island
Egami village on Naru sima Island

The event that led to the end of the Hidden Christian tradition took place, and it consists of Oura Cathedral, which was involved with Hidden Christian villages in various places.

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